2 Machine Mobile Power Washer

Brandon needed to add truck washing to his business.  He saw our video on the 2 step process for washing 18-wheelers but wanted to modify the system so 2 operators could wash at the same time.  We built him a rig based on our Catamount 300 trailer system.  We decided to use a Landa PGDC with an American Made Vanguard Engine to handle the hot water duties and application of high Ph detergent.  We added a Landa HD4.0/40GeB for cold water application of Low Ph detergent and rinsing.  Both machine have a dedicated 35 gallon detergent tank plumbed to a downstream injector.  The detergent flow is controlled by rollover nozzles that switch from high pressure to low pressure chemical application.  Hoses are easily stored with the stacked Hannay 1500 series reels.  Brandon will now be able to wash high volumes of trucks in a short amount of time.


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