Commercial Car Detailing & Pressure Washing Equipment

Cougar Chemical isn’t just an online store offering top-quality car detailing supplies and equipment for sale. In addition to the auto detailing supplies for sale in our store, we offer a complete range of pressure washing equipment available online. We have a brick-and-mortar location in Memphis, TN where our own technicians test and use every product we sell. Our main location is a store, call center, service center, and manufacturing facility. Most online stores have no such facilities and don’t offer repairs on equipment sold. We’ll gladly accept equipment for warranty repairs.

Equipment outside of warranty? Give us a call and our expert associates will happily answer your questions to assist in determining a solution. They spend their days consulting and answering questions for industry customers including dealerships, detailers, and industrial facilities. Whether answering questions for a major industrial customer or an individual consumer, they’ll show the same care in advising and finding the right solution. From facility cleaning supplies to car washing equipment for homes or businesses, we’ll spend the time with any customer.

Along with repair facilities and our customer service teams, our location houses our manufacturing. Here, we test every product we carry under numerous conditions. If we don’t find an existing product that meets our standards, or we think we can do better, we manufacture a product. This ensures that we’re selling the best car detailing products online, across every category.

Buy commercial car cleaning equipment and other cleaning supplies at Cougar Chemical. You’ll get the very best products, selected or made with the utmost care by professionals who use them.



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