3 Most Common Mistakes When Pressure Washing

3 Most Common Mistakes When Pressure Washing

Pressure washing seems like a pretty straightforward gig, and for the most part, it is. However, there are always ways for first-timers and even professionals to make mistakes. It happens more often than you think, so check out these three most common mistakes when pressure washing.

Too Much Pressure

Sometimes, people get carried away with a pressure washer. The name of the machine encourages them to go all out, when in reality, not every cleaning task requires the full momentum. Applying too much pressure to certain objects can damage their surfaces.

It’s important to get familiar with the different settings and know which one to use for specific tasks. The way you clean a concrete pathway is not the same way you clean the side or roof of a home. You could potentially damage the exterior of the house, causing more harm than good.

If you note that the current pressure setting is not getting your desired results, refrain from cranking it up. Consider changing the angle or getting a new nozzle. Simply shifting your position can help reach that unreachable spot.

Incorrect Materials

The materials with a pressure washer need to be simpatico. They must mesh well together to clean the area effectively. For example, pressure washers come with various nozzles. You want to make sure you match the right one for the job. For stubborn areas, consider using a high-numbered nozzle to get the grime out.

Additionally, you want to bring along the right detergent for the job. If you’re using your pressure washer to clean the exterior of your car, consider purchasing some of our car wash chemical supplies here at Cougar Chemical. You want the right chemicals to get the job done, and we can provide that for you.

Cleaning Out of Order

People may not think cleaning out of order is a mistake, but it is. You might feel the urge to tackle your most difficult areas at the end, but don’t. Fight it! It makes more sense to clean the more stubborn areas first so you can work your way down.

If you’re using the pressure washer to clean your home or commercial property, start on the roof. These tend to be the most neglected areas, so they will hold the most stubborn dirt. Use a high-numbered nozzle for this job and let the dirt fall along the side of the property. After you’ve handled this part, you can turn your attention to less challenging locations.

Don’t let one of these three common mistakes when pressure washing trip you up. For more expert advice or a look at supplies, visit our website.

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